



MTM virtual team is a group of people working across time and space and organizational boundaries using technology to communicate and collaborate. As such, virtual teams allow organizations to bring together people with the best expertise, regardless of where they live.



Our Office employees spend a lot of their time inside a building, where the physical environments influence their well-being and directly influence their work performance and productivity. In MTM workplace, it is often assumed that employees who are more satisfied with the physical environment are more likely to produce better work outcomes. Temperature, air quality, lighting and noise conditions in the office affect the work concentration and productivity. Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated that characteristics of the physical office environment can have a significant effect on behaviour, perceptions and productivity of employees. Most of the previous researchers in their studies are more focused on a single factor that could give an effect on employee‘s performance at work. However, no study was done to examine the relationships between the whole factors of physical office environment and employees ‘performance. Therefore this paper presents a literature review of several environmental factors which directly or indirectly affect employees work performance. Our company strives to transform conventional technologies available into developed systems that utilize contemporary methods and dynamics.



MTM remote work means employees can work from anywhere, not just their home. Coffee shops, beaches and other countries are now options. If asynchronous work is appropriate, organizations can even extend operations beyond a typical 9 to 5 workday. Flexible working hours can be a godsend to employees who are night owls, or to those who have small children. This freedom is invaluable for companies looking to stretch their working hours with a limited staff.



MTM facilitates a strong work-life balance for your employees simply through telecommuting. They get to customize their surroundings to suit their personal needs, get comfortable with their preferred outfits and tech setup, and take care of physical and emotional needs as they come up. Although there are some common pitfalls for first-time telecommuters that might decrease these benefits, you can help employees in their transition to working from home. Simply set clear boundaries and expectations for work hours, projects, and meetings that allow them to relax and feel confident in their productivity without going overboard. The best way to effectively communicate your expectations is with a work from home policy. Also, find a mutually agreeable solution for daily or weekly check-ins to eliminate micromanaging.



United Kingdom

Rathmell St,
West Yorkshire, UK.


United States

Church ST,
Connecticut, USA.